Thanks for tuning in to this undercover special edition of the Topdown Podcast. In this episode, we welcome “Jesse”, a top performer from an undisclosed company, which we refer to here as “ABC Inc.” ABC Inc. lost their top performer, who we have named Jesse here, due to some cultural and managerial problems that they were having. Jesse is here to share his experience as to why he left the company for us to learn from. This episode is not designed to be a bashing session but rather, a learning resource for managers and anyone out there in a leadership role. The key takeaways from this conversation are: 1.) Understanding the importance of expectations for your current and new employees. 2.) The importance of managing on an individual level and getting to know your employees. 3.) Why people leave managers, they don’t leave companies. This episode is filled with tips and tricks than can be used to better our culture, cultivate healthy teams and broaden our perspectives on the role of leaders today. If you want to keep your top performers and create a healthy team culture, then take a listen to this episode!
Key Points From This Episode:
• Find out how Jesse came up the ranks in rep sales. (02:45)
• Jesse highlights the successes he has had in sales. (04:28)
• Discover what Jesse’s first onboarding experience was like. (05:25)
• The importance of letting the team know about new team members. (06:30)
• The three key pieces of a successful onboarding process. (07:20)
• The sales process: Training, indoctrination and the “playbook.” (07:50)
• Metric management and managing employee expectations. (08:55)
• The value Jesse sees in being assigned a work mentor. (12:25)
• Creating company culture and the fear-mongering culture Jesse faced. (14:25)
• No pressure, no diamond: Creating a balance for healthy performance. (15:50)
• Jesse shares his experience of leadership relationships and respect levels. (19:00)
• Remember that people never forget how you made them feel. (20:00)
• The two main things you want your sales team to feel at all times. (20:35)
• Why managers need to put their team first and show interest. (21:15)
• How can managers get the most out of their people? (22:35)
• Why we need to use more collaboration and brainstorming for efficiency. (24:35)
• Find out the main driver that pushed Jesse to leave ABC Ink. (27:00)
• And much more!
“When you don’t know where you stand, it creates a level of anxiety within the team.” — @Jdmastel (11:30)
“The culture of a company is the living breathing part of an organization.” — @Jdmastel (14:15)
“People forget what you said, they forget what you did but they never forget how you made them feel.” — “Jesse” (20:00)
“If you manage at an individual level, you will get the most out of people.” — @Jdmastel (26:15)
“When you’re bringing in a new group of employees, let the rest of the team know that they’re coming in.” — “Jesse” (06:15)
“Being able to understand where to go and who the person is to go to is a very important factor within the organization.” — “Jesse” (13:37)
“The bigger your company gets, the less sight and vision you have. When a new employee starts, you have less insight into what their experience is really like.” — @Jdmastel (13:45)
“I think culture happens organically and it will naturally mature as you bring on the right people… it kind of builds itself. But you do have to have some sort of vision of what you’re trying to build. You have to put the right puzzle pieces in place if you want to try and build the culture you hope to accomplish.” — “Jesse” (14:48)
“You want to go to work for people you respect. People who have your back and who are going to fight for you.”— “Jesse”(20:15)
“Losing people is worst thing you can have happen in your organization.”— @Jdmastel (28:35)
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
UpRoar Partners – https://uproarpartners.com/
UpRoar Email – letshunt@uproarparners.com
Josh Mastel on LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/joshmastel/
Josh Mastel on Twitter – https://twitter.com/Jdmastel