
How to Sell SaaS Products

With 2020 forcing businesses and consumers to use more digital products, SaaS spending has definitely grown. According to this report, “overall spend per company on SaaS products is up 50%” and unique app usage is “is up about 30% year over year.” Cisco also forecasts that SaaS will account for “75% of cloud workloads.” With COVID forever transforming the workplace, now is a good time to be in the SaaS industry but it’s also ripe for competition. Here are some tips to help up your sales game this new year.

Tips for Selling SaaS Products

Among other 2020 lessons we’ve gleaned, one notable reminder is the importance of sticking with your core values as a company to reach your business goals. But your methods and sales process have to adapt. Here are some tips to help you sell your SaaS products 2021.


Stay on Top of Communication

There’s also a time and place for automation, such as setting up your drip marketing plan. 

But remember to leave room for personal, consistent, and clear communication. Remind your prospects and current customers about their subscription—be clear on the benefits and value that you bring through your product. Your sales team also needs to “know” the buyer by anticipating what their needs and priorities are.


Leverage Your Knowledge Base & Product Demos

Make sure your knowledge base is optimized to help users find the answers they need. The knowledge base is a great tool for customer service as well as for marketing. Track which queries are gaining the most traction and adjust your approach to customer service accordingly. Your product demos should also reflect the kind of customer service that prospects can expect. Keep it short, personal, and filled with value. While this may seem counterintuitive, remember that it’s about your audience and not just the product. Having trouble finding your audience? Here are tips for better SaaS prospecting.


Hire a Dedicated Sales Team

Expand your sales team’s capacity by hiring a dedicated sales team. As great as your product may be, it won’t sell itself. Invest in a team that has the capacity, experience, and expertise to help expand your business. Hire a dedicated sales team that understands your customers, are creative problem solvers, and can hit the ground running. Check out this blog post on the benefits of outsourcing your SDR services.


Sell Your SaaS Product with UpRoar Partners

In conclusion, always strive to deliver value—whether it’s through a personal approach to prospecting and selling, maximizing your knowledge base & product demos, or having a dedicated sales team to help accelerate your growth.

Ready to crush your sales goals in 2021? UpRoar Partners is here to help. Our expert team delivers custom strategies and execution to bring you the real results you need. Contact us directly for a chat to learn more!

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